PowerSDR won't start

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PowerSDR won't start

Postby K9RX » Sun Aug 26, 2018 8:09 pm

This has been running for a year and a half or so ... I recently bought a new i7-8700 computer more for future proofing than anything else. so ... MAJOR failure...

so I got everything installed, I think ... VSPE, VAC, log, WSJT-X, PowerSDR. Had PSDR running with my latest DB and with all the VAC set up (of course new install so had to set EVERYTHING up)... I notice that under VAC there is no WDM selection, its only MME, Windows Direct Audio, HPSDR USB(!) ... the latter crashes, Windows Direct Audio works with WSJT-X.

So it was all running. The last thing was the MIDI panel. I checked the dates on the midi2 driver I had on the up until today “current” computer and used it (it seems to be the same as the release) ... I don’t remember Chris if there is something else I have to move over OR if there is a config file for the midi panel as I had it configured or if that is just stored in the normal database. Anyway I installed its software, plugged it in. Screwed up and hit one of its buttons before having gone to PSDR to Configure Midi (I remember before I had to be sure I didn’t touch a button before doing the configure) ... and nothing came up – no values for the 2A. So I decided to cycle power and start from scratch...

now PowerSDR won’t run! It gets about a third of the way through the green bar and stops with the Windows warning about it must quit. I’ve changed the name of my database so it goes to the default – I’ve changed the name of the wisdom file and started from scratch – won’t finish. It won’t even get to the part where from scratch it asks you which radio it is! I've uninstalled and reinstalled and I've cycled the computer power. These are all the tricks I know of ...


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Re: PowerSDR won't start

Postby w-u-2-o » Sun Aug 26, 2018 8:26 pm

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Re: PowerSDR won't start

Postby K9RX » Sun Aug 26, 2018 9:11 pm

ok - so its working again - kind of and then not ... I didn't delete the database file like I thought i did. Doing that allows it to start up again and of course nothing is "right". I then select, once again, the latest DB file (that has been working for a very long time with only very small changes made to it in the last 6 months or so) ... it came up with that ... set up the com ports AGAIN ... closed it down, tried to restart and nope - won't start. Go back and delete database and start all over. I thought I'd just start from scratch but there are one heck of a lot of things I've used/set up including relay controls and lots of comms and VAC's and on and on. So I'm going to go back to a June DB - see if that works and work my way back or forward from there.

Note when the default database comes up it DOES have the what is it WDM or WDS or something like that for VAC. BUT there are no channels to select for it! I set it up using Windows Direct Sound (the only option that came up with my database in place, it and MME and there was a HPSDR USB something). And I installed VAC-eugene and created 6 lines which show up when I choose Windows Direct Sound. Not sure if this is screwing with it or not.

if anyone has any suggestions please let me know.

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Re: PowerSDR won't start

Postby K9RX » Sun Aug 26, 2018 9:51 pm

Scott, not sure what the link is suppose to do for me. Mine won't start after the first time it is run and then closed. And I'm getting no error message other than Windows saying it has to close.

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Re: PowerSDR won't start

Postby K9RX » Sun Aug 26, 2018 10:00 pm

ok - so I went back to an earlier DB and it worked initially ... I've just restarted the computer so we'll see.... ok - good, it all came up. Strange that the DB would not work on the new computer but didn't give me any issues on the previous one! Go figure THAT scenario.

I THINK, he says cautiously, I'm back up on the new computer. The old one best case was at 13% CPU with everything running and often went in to the 20's ... this one is sitting around 4%. I've yet to try the resampler to see if it makes IT work (previously it would not converge, it was always hunting). Also I'll try CWX and using N1MM with it on CW - again previously these would not work and I had to buy a K1EL keyer to get this functionality.

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Re: PowerSDR won't start

Postby w-u-2-o » Sun Aug 26, 2018 11:32 pm

Uninstall does not delete old databases. If you have a database that is so corrupt things won't start then it needs to be deleted manually. That is what the link does for you.

Unfortunately, PowerSDR code is not fully stable and fatal database corruption is possible, even frequent. Backup your database early and often. This can save you from having to start completely from scratch.
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Re: PowerSDR won't start

Postby K9RX » Mon Aug 27, 2018 12:33 am

oh believe you me I do! There has to be 50 DB versions in that folder. What had me going is that the db i was using WAS stable on the i5 computer!! But it wouldn't run on the i7. So I went back a couple months (very little changed in that time frame) and that seems to have me back in order again.

so now I need to re-read the post somewhere on how to mess with the resampler. I don't remember where it was but I'll (re)find it again and try it. HOPEFULLY it will now work for me.

thanks Scott - have a great week.


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