CW in the Pan and Waterfall

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CW in the Pan and Waterfall

Postby Ei4gyb » Mon Jan 22, 2018 12:02 am

Hi Folks
I wonder if anyone can help?
I’m talking my first tentative steps into the world of CW with my 100D. I am new to CW but familiar with the radio and software however there remains a puzzle.
When I operate on sideband it is possible to see my TX audio form flicker and move about as I speak in the panadapter and waterfall.
However in CW mode both the panadapter and waterfall show nothing (not a thing) relating to TX output. Just to be clear.... the radio goes into TX, the fwd pwr meter shows watts going out and the amp etc is receiving TX and all appears to be working fine... I’ve even gone to the trouble to to check the TX on a remote SDR... its there- it’s fine... just absolutely no visual carrier form (narrow spike) on the panadapter and waterfall?
Excuse my ignorance please, maybe I’m missing something very simple, as mentioned this is my first experience with CW mode on the Anan but I would have expected to see the visuals of a transmission on the screen?
I’ve run thru the settings tabs a couple of times but cannot find anything obvious to change and I don’t wish to mess with the settings too much.
Can anyone point or at least steer me in the right direction please
Best regards
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Re: CW in the Pan and Waterfall

Postby K9RX » Mon Jan 22, 2018 1:36 pm


Seems odd .... the first thing that comes to mind is how wide is the window - and do you have XIT turned on with a value that puts your signal outside of that window? That would do what you are describing ... I suspect its not the case as generally most don't have the window that narrow (I do however). Likewise do you have SPLIT turned on? If so turn it off.

The second thing is - do you see your TX waveform on SSB and/or on digital? If not - then I'd suggest you go to DISPLAY/TX and adjust the min to say -70 and the max to around 0.

Also: do you have RX2 turned on? If so turn it off and try again - see if it is on the main pan display.

When you are transmitting what does "ATT" or if on "S ATT" show? I have noticed that it does reflect in the TX display - the lower the band I'm on (80 or 160) where I have some ATT for RX the lower my TX waveform is on the pan display. I consider this to be a bug - the display should take this in to account when TXing. Although this doesn't quite explain why at times my TX display is at -50 peak even though the SATT is at -30 (on 160 FT8).

I don't currently have my radio - sadly it failed - hopefully I'll be up and running again today and I can check some other things if you don't get it resolved.

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Re: CW in the Pan and Waterfall

Postby Ei4gyb » Mon Jan 22, 2018 8:32 pm

Thank you Scott and Gary.

All suggestions noted and checked but to no avail.

However I did by accident get a 100% fix!
I had been using the semi break in function - I unchecked it, hit the key and it was fine.
I re checked the semi break in and and it remained perfect.

So a little unusual, but a result!
Maybe a very small glitch or bug dunno but it’s working very nicely now.
Still on 3.4.1 ;)

All the best guys
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Re: CW in the Pan and Waterfall

Postby K9RX » Tue Jan 23, 2018 2:50 pm


Great - I would however suggest you move up to the latest version.

have a great day - see you on CW!

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Re: CW in the Pan and Waterfall

Postby Mike_N1JEZ » Thu Mar 08, 2018 12:16 pm

I've run into the exact same issue here. I have an ANAN-100 here with vers 3.2 firmware. Running PowerSDR OpenHPSDR mRX PS v3.4.7.

I recently noticed that when I transmit CW, I don't see my transmit waveform in the Panafall. I see waveforms when using TUNE and SSB etc. When I key the rig, I get proper power output. I do see the display change, but no displayed waveform.

May be there's a setting I'm missing? I have done a database reset which did not help.

If I turn on DUP, I do see the waveform.

Any ideas?

Mike, N1JEZ
Mike, N1JEZ
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Re: CW in the Pan and Waterfall

Postby w-u-2-o » Fri Mar 09, 2018 4:21 pm

This is because CW is generated in the FPGA and not in PowerSDR.

When DUP is off you are shown an FFT of the data stream that is sent to the DAC from PowerSDR. Since there is no data stream to the DAC from PowerSDR in CW mode there is nothing to show.

When DUP is on you are shown the signal that impinges on the RX1 input during transmit ("DUP" being shorthand for "duplex"). Since RF is coming out of the radio and is impinging on RX1 either via crosstalk, intentional internal coupling, or intentional external coupling, depending on the radio and its configuration, you see your CW transmission in that mode.

I recommend running with DUP ON all of the time. It is a truer representation of what the radio is doing, warts and all (IMD products, etc.)


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Re: CW in the Pan and Waterfall

Postby Mike_N1JEZ » Fri Mar 09, 2018 11:51 pm

Makes perfect sense. Tnx Scott.
Mike, N1JEZ
"A closed mouth gathers no feet"

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