CAT and COM problems with digital software

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CAT and COM problems with digital software

Postby Buck » Sat Jun 03, 2017 10:57 pm

I've had some problems today with virtual ports. I've got them working again, but when the Anan starts, it complains that it cannot open COM5 (used for PTT), then it works anyway. If I disable COM5, it complains about COM0, instead! Worse, if I start the radio before the digital software, it complains about the COM channels, then won't work. I used com0com to rebuild the ports, and they don't show in Device Manager even though they work (if I follow the right order of start-up). Any ideas?

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Re: CAT and COM problems with digital software

Postby w-u-2-o » Sun Jun 04, 2017 12:44 am

Virtual COM ports will not show in device manager. This is normal, and occurs with all three major virtual serial port applications: com0com, VSPM and VSPE, so don't worry about that.

With VSPE I never have any problems. I have experienced many different problems with com0com and VSPM. On the other hand many people experience perfectly adequate performance from all three choices, so it's hard to say if it is worth trying something different. However, since the definition of insanity is to continue to do the same thing and expecting different results, it might be worth trying one of the other choices ;)

The only other suggestion is to completely delete the database.xml file (or rename it so you can save it, just in case you want to go back) and let PowerSDR build an entirely new one from scratch.


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Re: CAT and COM problems with digital software

Postby Buck » Sun Jun 04, 2017 4:01 am

Curiously, the virtual ports did decide to show up in Device Manager, late in the day. I think you might be right about the database. Tomorrow, I'll wipe it and rebuild. It doesn't take long.

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