Help: Cannot connect ANAN G2 to Thetis

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Help: Cannot connect ANAN G2 to Thetis

Postby Bob9395 » Sat Dec 30, 2023 2:23 pm

Hi all

I tried booting my new ANAN G2 up for the first time and received a "Network Error: Error starting SDR hardware , is it connected and powered?" prompt.

I had connected the G2 to my router (via a Cat 6 ethernet cable) which then allocated it an IP of

I installed Thetis v2.10.3.5 x64 (12/27/23) u2 and under the Setup (H/W select) tab changed the radio model to ANAN-G2 along with the relevant Region (UK).

The default Network Settings are

* Reuse Last IP (10:10:30:100 is selected)
* Autodetect protocol

Firewall: Configured correctly


ID: Hermes
Protocol 2 (v0.0)

ANAN Address:

MAC: "unpopulated" with nothing shown.

A click of the Start button results in a

Network Error: Error starting SDR hardware , is it connected and powered?

I have tried troubleshooting using the information on the forums and believe that because my router uses DCHP I needed to set the Select IP to "" but this still gives the network error with no MAC address allocated on the H/W tab. I then tried ticking the "Enable Static IP address" and manually entering the routers allocated IP of but still have the same outcome.

The G2 had a previous user who may have changed a setting within the units PiHDSDR (it is the display model) that I am unaware of?

I am getting signals on the g@'s display/waterfall so the G2 is working (although I am not getting any audio when I plug my headphones in).

Can anyone help me with some setup troubleshooting please?

I though I was competent enough with computers and LAN's to master the ANAN but am starting to think otherwise :-(

Any and all help gratefully received.

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Re: Help: Cannot connect ANAN G2 to Thetis

Postby Trucker » Sat Dec 30, 2023 4:55 pm

Are you trying to connect while PiHPSDR on the front panel is running? If so, you need to exit PiHPSDR on the front panel and then, from the Raspbian desktop select the p2app shortcut. Once it starts, you should be able to start Thetis on your pc and connect to your radio.
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Re: Help: Cannot connect ANAN G2 to Thetis

Postby laurencebarker » Sat Dec 30, 2023 4:59 pm

"I am getting signals on the g@'s display/waterfall so the G2 is working (although I am not getting any audio when I plug my headphones in)."

It sounds like piHPSDR is running if you see a waterfall on the display.

To use Thetis, you will need a program running on the pi that acts as a server to present data to the PC across the network connection. Some version of piHPSDR will provide that; or you can run a program called p2app that should be installed on the G2.

Have you followed the manual to get started?
Laurence Barker G8NJJ
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Re: Help: Cannot connect ANAN G2 to Thetis

Postby w-u-2-o » Sat Dec 30, 2023 5:02 pm

Have you reviewed the manual?

This does not sound like a networking problem. The nonsense is for the FPGA-based models, not the Pi based model. You are working with Raspian Linux where networking is concerned. Use the usual Linux commands on the G2 desktop to ensure it is set the way you want it.

Be aware that the IP address in Thetis setup is not really important. If you disable "Enable Static IP Address" and enable "Auto detect Protocol" if the G2 is in the correct configuration and on the same subnet Thetis will automatically find it. Those controls are only for when you have multiple hardware installation and wish for Thetis to explicitly connect to one of them.

I am suspicious that the G2 is not configured correctly. For Thetis to connect "p2app" must be running on the G2 and piHPSDR must not be running.

First things first: recommend you take a quick pass through the network settings just to ensure you haven't messed something up in the thrash to get it working. Use the Raspian desktop environment or a command window to check the G2 settings and see if you can ping your PC, and vice versa. If pings are working then it's just a matter of G2 config. To that end, crack the manual (downloadable from the Apache main web page) and read up on configuring for p2app vs. piHPSDR.

I'm going to move this topic to the G2 sub-forum, so if you find it missing look there ;)
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Re: Help: Cannot connect ANAN G2 to Thetis

Postby Bob9395 » Sat Dec 30, 2023 8:07 pm

Thank you so much for your collective and very prompt assistance which has now gotten me up and running!!!

The issue was that because Pihdsdr had started automatically I missed (even though I had read it) that I needed to exit out from it before running p2app. Your help made me try again but this time close down Pihdsdr BEFORE running Thetis and ... booted straight up and running (no network reconfig needed).

I feel a bit foolish as I had downloaded and read the G2 manual but hadn't picked up on the fact that Pihdsdr had to be closed down if open.

After disappearing down the rabbit hole thinking it was a network issue I decided to post on here for help and am so soo glad I did; just hope I become knowledgable enough to "pay it forwards" sometime.

Thanks all.. problem sorted.

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Re: Help: Cannot connect ANAN G2 to Thetis

Postby Trucker » Sat Dec 30, 2023 9:51 pm

Glad you got it sorted out. No need to feel foolish. All of us have had similar things happen. I have made more pilot errors than I care to enumerate. But, thankfully, this forum has a lot of very knowledgeable people that have got me out of problems.

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