RX Very Quiet

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RX Very Quiet

Postby VK5RS » Sun May 22, 2022 10:20 pm

Hi fellows,

apologies for what might seem like a dumb question, but my rx is extremely quiet? even when i am receiving signals of ove s9 in strength they just dont sound loud. is there any setting that i could have missed that will add some gain to rx audio. i know that AGC slider controls it in some way but i dont think that thats it .... you can hear various recordings of my Anan 7000 on https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbLNZx ... RJcNlCscJQ
Thank you oin advance and apologies if this question has already been answered
Ivan VK5RS
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Re: RX Very Quiet

Postby NC3Z » Sun May 22, 2022 11:32 pm

Well the AGC slider could very well affect it. What happens if you put the slider to 120?
Gary NC3Z
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Re: RX Very Quiet

Postby w-u-2-o » Mon May 23, 2022 12:11 am

We can't see all your settings in those videos. Particularly your AGC settings. It would be good to see a screenshot of Setup > DSP > AGC.

It would be better if your videos showed the normal main UI in its entirety.

On the "VK3AMP, VK3PT, VK5TT on 80m" video the G line looks fine.

On the "14-05-2022 20m With Adam VK2PW" video the G line looks much too high, i.e. not enough AGC gain.

However, I'm most suspicious of your audio gain settings. I'm going to assume you are using VAC for audio since you are recording. What sort of path does the audio go through and what are the gains? Again screenshots would be best.

The hiss on the audio implies that there is not enough gain in early parts of the audio chain and latter parts are trying to make that up.

If you are using VAC then RX1 AF and RX2 AF should be set to 100 in order to emulate a digital line out. Similarly VAC RX gain should be set to 0dB. Final volume level control should be effected outside of Thetis, ideally at the last gain stage possible. If you are using something like OBS for recording, make the final gain adjustment in OBS. If you are listening on speakers or headphones, make the volume adjustment at the audio amplifier that feeds those. If you have speakers or headphones plugged into the ANAN, use the Master AF control.

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