Behringer X-USB

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Behringer X-USB

Postby w9mdb » Wed Sep 15, 2021 6:11 pm

Anybody got info on how to hook up a Behringer X-USB to 7000DLED MKII?
I'd like to start using the ASIO drivers as I seem to behaving too many problems with Direct Sound and latency/instability.
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Re: Behringer X-USB

Postby w-u-2-o » Wed Sep 15, 2021 9:02 pm


Do you actually own a Behringer X32 mixing console? If so, wow!

Obviously the X-USB requires an X32 to host it.

When using devices of this type, you do not make the connections to the Apache Labs hardware, the only connection is the USB to the PC that is hosting Thetis. After that, all connections are made in software, via the VAC facility of Thetis, and sometimes involve the use of a virtual audio cable software application, depending on what you are doing.

If you only want to route audio to and from Thetis, i.e. you are going to be transmitting using a mic plugged into the X32, and listening via monitors plugged into the X32, then once you have the X32 plugged in and the drivers installed on the PC you should be able to simply select the ASIO type driver in Thetis VAC setup and the X32 as the input and output device there as well. After that it's up to you to ensure the X32 is configured right on the Behringer side of things.

This thread is getting kind of old, almost obsolete, so don't take everything in it verbatim, but it is worth reading to get a general idea of what's what:


Thetis has a limitation in that it can only use the same device for input and output with ASIO selected as the driver. I very much recommend getting your feet wet as described above. Then, after that, if you decide you need to use two different devices, or need some sort of more complex routing capability, you can consider adding something like Voicemeeter into the setup between the X32 and Thetis.

It may not seem like you would need Voicemeeter. However, most PC software, e.g. WSJT-X, only understands the first two audio channels of any device, which means you might not be able to assign all 32 channels available to you to various app's, which is too bad. Voicemeeter can help solve that problem.


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Re: Behringer X-USB

Postby w9mdb » Wed Sep 15, 2021 10:11 pm

Nope -- don't own a mixing console.

What I'm interested in is both TX/RX using an ASIO driver for use with WSJTX

I guess the X-USB is just for receiving?

And my question was really about cabling so I guess it's an XLR-phono with a miniature phono adapter to plug into the headphone jack?
Mike W9MDB
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Re: Behringer X-USB

Postby w-u-2-o » Wed Sep 15, 2021 11:48 pm

Unfortunately, it would appear that you are confused about a number of issues.

First, there are no digi mode app's, including WSJT-X, that are compatible with ASIO drivers. Therefore there is no advantage in using ASIO in these cases.

Second, there is no reason you should be having problems with WSJT-X or any other dig mode app's. Just use MME. While MME has the worst latency, it is nowhere near enough to be of any concern for any digi mode app with the possible exception of Winlink Express.

Third, it's not clear how you've zeroed in on the X-USB, but if you read the Behringer website on this device carefully, you will see that is a USB interface for the Behringer X32 mixing console, and thus is of absolutely no use to anyone who does not have an X32.

Fourth, if you are considering doing something like actually moving analog audio between the ANAN-7000 and the PC for digi modes you are wasting your time and money.


Are you using some sort of virtual audio cable software between Thetis and WSJT-X? If so, what are you using? Voicemeeter? Muzychenko VAC?

What kind of problems are you experiencing?
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Re: Behringer X-USB

Postby w9mdb » Thu Sep 16, 2021 4:20 am

I see instability in the wideband window which appears to me to be related to dropouts.
That would be the path from the rig to Thetis.
During receive the wideband pulses approx every second. ... .webm?dl=0

When doing a Tune from Thetis the wideband shows unstable noise level for several seconds before noise stabilizes -- on this particular test it took 30 seconds to stabilize. I was seeing this behavior from WSJTX and this is first time I tried testing with just Tune from Thetis. ... .webm?dl=0

And now after doing this test the wideband is not pulsing anymore.

So maybe this isn't the audio path. I'm using voicemeeter VB-Audio Cable A/B devices right now. I've played with the other VB-Audio devices and never saw any difference.
Mike W9MDB
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Re: Behringer X-USB

Postby w-u-2-o » Thu Sep 16, 2021 12:01 pm

Your problems have nothing to do with any audio paths. This is not to say that you may not have audio path problems, too, but it appears you have bigger fish to fry and bigger problems to solve, first.

- What version of firmware are you running?
- What version of Thetis?
- How is the 7000 attached to the PC: direct connection on a dedicated NIC, or just on the same LAN as everything else? You are not using WiFi, I hope?
- What does your SEQ error log look like (Setup > Tests > Show SEQ log)?
- How do things sound? And how are you getting your audio when you listen (what are your speakers/headphones attached to)?

Most importantly: what is the primary symptom/problem? Drop outs in the WSJT-X waterfall? What?

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