Tinker board code release

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Tinker board code release

Postby w-u-2-o » Mon May 29, 2017 1:33 pm

John has posted a version of the code for the ASUS Tinker board on github and also a version of the install document for the tinker board.

You can download the install document from:

https://github.com/g0orx/pihpsdr/blob/m ... nstall.pdf

John writes: "Note that the only difference with this version is the use of the wiringPi library directly rather than pigpio so that it will work with the Tinker board."
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Re: Tinker board code release

Postby Mike, K0JTA » Fri Jun 09, 2017 8:27 pm

Good day; I have ATTEMPTED to get my TINKER to operate, per the instructions:
"Tinker board code release
Postby w-u-2-o » Mon May 29, 2017 7:33 am
John has posted a version of the code for the ASUS Tinker board...You can download the install document from:
https://github.com/g0orx/pihpsdr/blob/m ... nstall.pdf"
I have followed the above link, found the DRIVERS AND TOOLS, scrolled down to TinkerOS_Debian V1.8, and have downloaded this file:
20170417-tinker-board-linaro-stretch-alip-v1.8 (Compressed (Zipped) Folder)

- I extracted this file to the same folder, name is:
20170417-tinker-board-linaro-stretch-alip-v1.8 (File Folder)

- Opened this folder, the content is one file:
20170417-tinker-board-linaro-stretch-alip-v1.8 (Disk Image File)

- Copied 20170417-tinker-board-linaro-stretch-alip-v1.8 to a MicroSD card (Copy-and-paste method)
- Unmounted the Micro-SD card
- Inserted the Micro-SD card into the TINKER unit
- Applied power to the Tinker
- I have a steady RED LED on the Tinker
- I have NO GREEN LED activity at all

I have only a mouse attached to the USB. I have a HDMI-to-VGA adapter plugged into the Tinker, and this feeds a known good Dell monitor that I have used with my Raspberry PI units. Where have I gone wrong, please?

Thank you; Mike, K0JTA
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Re: Tinker board code release

Postby Mike, K0JTA » Fri Jun 09, 2017 10:03 pm

Update: The no-op ssue is now self-resolved.
There was a missing step In the procedure.

The instructions are as follows:
- Unzip image
- Copy image to memory card

Should mention the need to use an app, and NOT COPY as I had done:
- Unzip image
- Use Win32DiskImager or similar to...
- Copy image to memory card

Hooray, I now have an image via my HDMI!
Suggestion: It might be good to expand the existing instructions.

Thank you; Mike, K0JTA
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Re: Tinker board code release

Postby John-G0ORX » Sat Jun 10, 2017 8:35 am

Hi Mike,

I have updated the install document to say to use dd or Win32DiskImager to create the bootable image. I have also changed the .build instruction for wiringPi to be sudo ./build.

-- John
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Re: Tinker board code release

Postby Mike, K0JTA » Sun Jun 11, 2017 5:00 am

First of all, THANK YOU for your efforts in modifying your piHPSDR package so that it would work with the Asus Tinker-board, John!! (Wow, unbelievable skills!) Also, your further enhancements to your instruction set is highly appreciated.

Being that I am not at all skilled in the OS (operating system) that the Tinker uses, my first install failed, even though the final on-screen reports in the TERMINAL said otherwise; -My initial failure is the result of my actions, as I was trying to side-step the many "Yes" responses that were appearing by trying a few "All" responses; -I was hoping that "all" might speed the process. As a result, being that I had not offered the correct response of "Yes," as had been clearly specified, it worked up to the point of actually opening the window that would show the radio's pano-display, etc. After I deleted the first files, I did the piHPSDR installation again, this time being mindful to give each and every query the needed "Yes" response. And after I did it the RIGHT WAY, the piHPSDR app worked nicely.

The heat sink gets quite warm, as had been mentioned! If I lay the back of my finger on the heat sink, I must move it away, due to the heat's discomfort effect.I am considering a small fan. I have not measured the current draw, but I do plan to do this soon.

Thanks again to JOHN, who makes this new development possible! And THANK YOU to WU2O, who posted this new development, also! 73; Mike, K0JTA
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Re: Tinker board code release

Postby Mike, K0JTA » Mon Oct 16, 2017 1:37 am

Good day, all!

It has been a long time since I have seen any activity on the Asus Tinker Board topic. Are there any possible UPDATES that I have missed? (Are there any others out there that are working on their TINKER BOARD computer to run the HPSDR app?

The Tinker Board is indeed a snappy substitute (?) for the Raspberry PI 3. If the HPSDR project is dead, well this is the way it goes. No big deal, but I do have an INTEREST, if there is to be a way to make the Tinker Board work with HPSDR. If nothing else, it is a great little device, as-is! (I need to drop in another SD card, and install the official OS from ASUS...)

Earlier, I had mentioned that the CPU was quite hot, even with the heat sink attached. SO, I purchased a very tiny 5 volt DC fan from an eBay vendor, mounted this, and the temperature has dropped a LOT!

In closing, is the Tinker-Board project dead?

73; Mike, K0JTA
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Re: Tinker board code release

Postby w-u-2-o » Mon Oct 16, 2017 12:12 pm


This is not a Tinker specific thing, however clearly the author of the piHPSDR code, which is the basis for the Tinker version, has been busy with other things and has not been working on the codebase for any platform, pi, Tinker or otherwise.

Perhaps John will drop in and give us an update of what his plans are.

Don't forget, it's open source code, and is there for anyone to use and add/modify/etc.



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