Does anyone know how to contact G7KLJ regarding his commits to Richie's Git repo??

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Does anyone know how to contact G7KLJ regarding his commits to Richie's Git repo??

Postby w-u-2-o » Sat Apr 01, 2023 3:42 pm

G7KLJ has been pushing commits to Richie's Thetis repo, and also maintains his own Github repo here:

I've been trying to contact him regarding some of his work but have so far failed. No answer from his QRZ email address.


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Re: Does anyone know how to contact G7KLJ regarding his commits to Richie's Git repo??

Postby Joe-W4WT » Sat Apr 01, 2023 3:52 pm

I was wondering myself as I had not seen anything from him previously, that I can recall. I compiled his latest and it seems to run fine but I did notice the auto agc function appears to have a problem. I didn't spend a lot of time with it yet.

Joe W4WT
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Re: Does anyone know how to contact G7KLJ regarding his commits to Richie's Git repo??

Postby w-u-2-o » Sat Apr 01, 2023 4:13 pm

It's wonderful that he's working on the VAC stuff (and someone else just chimed in with a VAC related commit). But the change to make Master AF affect VAC1 is potentially disruptive to a lot of people.

Disclaimer: I'm strictly VAC audio here, so anything that makes VAC1 act more like the "normal" CODEC audio feed is great for me, but...

The design intent and assumptions of the original developers, going way back to early openHPSDR versions of PowerSDR, was that listening was going to be done exclusively via the CODEC output of the Hermes, with only digi software connected via VAC. This allows RX1 and RX2 AF to be run up to 100%, the equivalent of digital line out levels for digi app's, while Master AF could be adjusted to a comfortable listening volume. I suspect a lot of folks continue to operate in this manner. Adding Master AF control over VAC1 output levels is going to screw that up unless it's made to be a user selectable option.

IMHO, a better way to do this would be to have a user selectable option in VAC1 to select either the existing VAC1 RX1 audio stream, or the CODEC audio stream. This way the folks doing it the "old school way" are not screwed up, and those who are relying 100% on VAC audio can get the CODEC stream with all UI controls and RX1 and RX2 mixed. Indeed, it would be even better if both VAC1 and VAC2 had this option and the VAC UI offered three options: CODEC, RX1 and RX2. That way the user could mix/match VAC1 and VAC2 as required.
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Re: Does anyone know how to contact G7KLJ regarding his commits to Richie's Git repo??

Postby nobba » Wed Apr 12, 2023 6:49 pm

Hi guys, KLJ here.

Please don't post the stuff here, please post as an 'issue' in the github repo, and I will take a look. I can then document the issues as either:

1) I'll fix it
2) I'll file it as a 'wontfix'
3) I may very likely say that unless you can donate me an ANAN-100, ANAN-twiddlee-deee, I can't investigate as all I have is a HL2.
4) Some other answer.

But at least that way it is all in one place.

I could be reading this wrong, but if the answer to this particular concern is something like 'leave the sliders @ 100% then', then the answer will be:

"The last thing Thetis needs is yet more options. In fact we need to remove many, many of them as it is currently just about unmanageable".

For example, it took me over 3 hours to find a "bug" someone had the other day with "display not working properly" and it was the AVG button on the main UI not 'talking to' that dreadful, bloated 'setup' window. And I have the source in front of me! Incredible!

I am looking at, wherever possible, slimming it down rather than adding yet more options. They trip people up, including and especially me!

Here is the link for issues:

Please don't reply on the forum as I am unlikely to see it.

GL es 73

Steve, G7KLJ
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Re: Does anyone know how to contact G7KLJ regarding his commits to Richie's Git repo??

Postby w-u-2-o » Wed Apr 12, 2023 7:40 pm

Hi Steve,

While you may not see this, thanks for all of your efforts to help improve Thetis. I will post any comments/concerns to your Git repo as requested.


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Re: Does anyone know how to contact G7KLJ regarding his commits to Richie's Git repo??

Postby WA4SIX » Wed Apr 12, 2023 10:13 pm

Love it ! Spoken like a true Coder. Reminds me of a guy I worked with. He came in at 6PM & left at 6AM so he didn't have to "Deal with idiots". "Leave a sticky on my monitor".
Have at it !


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