Thetis x86 (4/23/22) MW0LGE pre-release (meters testing)

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Re: Thetis x86 (4/23/22) MW0LGE pre-release (meters testing)

Postby Joe » Mon Dec 26, 2022 7:52 pm

The version you downloaded had the actual "checkbox" function erased. I found that as well and had to re-install to an earlier version and re-enter my changes along with double checking. There are a few other functions with the same issue - TX-Inhibit for one, not sure how this happened? or who's version? Again, I had to verify the Setup functions.

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Re: Thetis x86 (4/23/22) MW0LGE pre-release (meters testing)

Postby w2ner » Mon Dec 26, 2022 8:02 pm

Joe wrote:The version you downloaded had the actual "checkbox" function erased. I found that as well and had to re-install to an earlier version and re-enter my changes along with double checking. There are a few other functions with the same issue - TX-Inhibit for one, not sure how this happened? or who's version? Again, I had to verify the Setup functions.


So is there a with these fixes?
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Re: Thetis x86 (4/23/22) MW0LGE pre-release (meters testing)

Postby Joe » Mon Dec 26, 2022 8:16 pm

No, I just have a version with my own additions. I did post a couple of days ago that I had this on Github. It is just Richie's latest with some of my additions mainly regarding the new meters, pure signal form selections, and a bit of cleanup regarding the Collapsed form. I'm still working on some of the items but everything seems to be working fine so far. Hopefully, Richie will make his way back.

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Re: Thetis x86 (4/23/22) MW0LGE pre-release (meters testing)

Postby m0cpy » Tue Dec 27, 2022 1:43 pm

is there away to keep the meters on top when you at full screen
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Re: Thetis x86 (4/23/22) MW0LGE pre-release (meters testing)

Postby Joe » Tue Dec 27, 2022 2:09 pm

They should stay on top unless you disable that function in the drop down on the main screen. This was added in the last GitHub upload a few days ago. There are some other additions as well on the “meter” drop down tab that should be helpful too. The Thetis is dated 12/25/22.

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Re: Thetis x86 (4/23/22) MW0LGE pre-release (meters testing)

Postby Joe » Tue Dec 27, 2022 2:11 pm

I wanted to post the site location on GitHub here as well, hope this helps.

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Re: Thetis x86 (4/23/22) MW0LGE pre-release (meters testing)

Postby w2ner » Tue Dec 27, 2022 3:29 pm

Is there a config section for these meters? If so, what tab is it on?
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Re: Thetis x86 (4/23/22) MW0LGE pre-release (meters testing)

Postby Joe » Tue Dec 27, 2022 4:16 pm

There is a drop down on the meter tab under the appearance tab in setup that will allow you to select a skin for the meters. That’s the only setup per say. I have a meters folder on the GitHub download that has different skins. You will need to down load this folder and put beside your main skins folder in the app folder on your pc. You should already have this folder in place if you were using the meters before, so all you need to do is copy over your existing meters folder. I use “” which is free to adjust the skins. I made one for the 8000, and 7000 as well in the folder, not much to them but fit better for the radio in use. Hope this helps.

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Re: Thetis x86 (4/23/22) MW0LGE pre-release (meters testing)

Postby Yevgeni » Tue Dec 27, 2022 9:04 pm


Is it possible to repeat this test.
Thank you. ... sp=sharing
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Re: Thetis x86 (4/23/22) MW0LGE pre-release (meters testing)

Postby Joe » Mon Jan 02, 2023 7:05 pm

I'm not sure exactly what is going on in the code but if you go to setup and select the "options" tab then select "enable RX1 and RX2" step attenuators the meters work correctly. I'm not sure but it may have something to do with the ADC linking? Also. when going from collapsed view to expanded sometimes the RX2 attenuator controls disappear. Hopefully these items will get sorted out.

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Re: Thetis x86 (4/23/22) MW0LGE pre-release (meters testing)

Postby Yevgeni » Mon Jan 02, 2023 8:28 pm

S-ATT work correctly.
Thank you so much.
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Re: Thetis x86 (4/23/22) MW0LGE pre-release (meters testing)

Postby ramdor » Fri Jan 06, 2023 9:51 am

Yevgeni wrote:Hi

Is it possible to repeat this test.
Thank you. ... sp=sharing

hi Yevgeni, thanks for vid. There were aspects to the rx2 offset calculations that I hadn't implemented in the new meter work in progress. I had only intended github as a store for the codebase back last april/may. It looks like I will now have to jump a version number when I release at some point.

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Re: Thetis x86 (4/23/22) MW0LGE pre-release (meters testing)

Postby K1LSB » Fri Jan 06, 2023 3:34 pm

I am hereby making the following request to whoever decided to name this version "Thetis x86 (4/23/22) MW0LGE pre-release":

Please rename this version to REMOVE Richie's personal callsign from the version name, for the following reasons:

1) Richie himself had nothing to do with building this specific version, so his personal callsign should not be connected in any way with this version.

2) Richie was clearly never asked permission to even use his callsign in the name of this version.

3) Richie's personal callsign and reputation should not be associated with any bugs or other issues contained in this or any other version that he didn't personally have a hand in building.

From the very start I've always had a problem with any aspect of Richie's callsign being connected in any fashion to this or any other version that he didn't personally have a hand in building. IMO it should be removed ASAP.

Thank you very much,
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Re: Thetis x86 (4/23/22) MW0LGE pre-release (meters testing)

Postby Trucker » Fri Jan 06, 2023 4:09 pm

Except Ritchie is the one who added the analog meters(quite nicely done) . And it is on his Github site. Others have done some additional work in association with the meters as well.
I don't see any reason to remove his callsign from Thetis. He has contributed so much to Thetis that his callsign should be there.
One can always download the source code and remove his callsign and recompile it to get rid of it.
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Re: Thetis x86 (4/23/22) MW0LGE pre-release (meters testing)

Postby K1LSB » Fri Jan 06, 2023 4:54 pm

1) Richie never added those meters to anything he ever released, he had always stated that they were a personal work-in-progress, the source files residing on github simply for his convenience. In fact he stated again earlier this week that those meters were not intended for (and never ready for) incorporation into any version for release or even pre-release.

2) Richie also stated this week that he intends to release further updates to his line of Thetis builds. He has never included his own callsign in any of the versions he has ever released, so it's going to be extremely confusing for any users who wish to stay true to Richie's versions (such as myself) when the situation is going to exist where versions that Richie DIDN'T have anything to do with carry his callsign, but versions he DOES personally release don't! That's just as wrong as the day is long.

3) Basic ethical considerations dictate that Richie's callsign be removed from the subject version, given that 1) his callsign was used without his permission, and 2) he had no personal hand in the release of the build version so no mention of his name or callsign should be included anywhere in the name of the build.

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Re: Thetis x86 (4/23/22) MW0LGE pre-release (meters testing)

Postby ramdor » Fri Jan 06, 2023 6:03 pm

tl;dr : it is fine

Any release I made I always put my call into the title bar. When Doug incorporates changes from me and changes from other devs to build a tapr release, the title bar is cleared out. Back in 2022 may/june time I figured I should store what I had been working on, in-case I cut myself shaving or some such during the following months. The meters were half way done at that point, in-fact the bar/'digital' meters are still to do, as is a config system and skin management. I expected at least a 6month break from it, the Anan hasn't been switched on since the middle of 2022 until a few days ago.

I do not mind at all that the code was compiled and whatnot as I would have kept it private otherwise. I even added a readme note to say how to get it working, and links to an image zip that Ernst had spent a considerable time working on. However, it didn't cross my mind it would be released, or some of Ernst images be changed to remove his callsign.

Ideally the that spread perhaps shouldn't have had my call in the title bar as has been mentioned. However, it is what it is and pointless concerning oneself too much about it, life is too short. I am starting to spend a bit of time on it again, but nothing like last year, so updates will be slow. It is great that folks managed to get it going, even if it is work in progress and a bit of a 'dogs dinner' at the moment in there, with test code dotted around all over the place ;)

73 Richie.
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Re: Thetis x86 (4/23/22) MW0LGE pre-release (meters testing)

Postby w-u-2-o » Fri Jan 06, 2023 6:29 pm

Configuration management and version control are great and useful topics, and very important in the world of software. To that end discussion on these topics is good and useful. But please let's all try to keep it professional and not personal.

The open source development environment can range from very tightly controlled and well organized (e.g. a major project with a large number of players) to pretty much the equivalent of the Wild West (e.g. smaller projects with few or no rules, controls or process and a small number of developers).

Historically, the development of Thetis (and PowerSDR mRX before it) has been very casual, has not made use of a common repository, and has involved very few dev's, none of whom has chosen to use any sort of formal configuration management tools or processes. Just throwing it into Github doesn't count. However, lately, Richie's use of Git to track issues is a move in a more formal direction, which IMHO is long overdue.

Also historically, while/when there is a primary active developer, that person has been the de facto lead and people have generally chosen to work through that person. For instance, during the development of PowerSDR mRX, Doug (W5WC) was that person. "Official" (whatever that term is worth) releases came though him and were published on the TAPR Git repo. Same for early Thetis development. When Richie started to make major contributions the de facto leadership went to him. Richie did not have access to the TAPR repo and decided to stand up his own Git repo. Richie was moving fast and furiously enough that Doug was very happy with that arrangement.

In a perfect world everyone involved would be working out of a common Git repository and would be responsible for their own builds/branches within that repository. There would need to be some agreement and cooperation among dev's as to the organization and processes used in that common repository. The major stumbling block to achieving this is developer knowledge of modern software development processes and configuration control systems. I.e. knowledge of how to use Github and all of its features. Without wanting to throw anyone under a bus, it would appear that few, if any, contributors, have a lot of experience with formal software development environments and processes. This makes it difficult to achieve such a utopian goal.

Versioning schemes

Leaving aside the promise of Github software utopias, having an agreed upon versioning system is an easily attainable goal. For those who are not familiar with the 4 digit versioning scheme, it generally goes like this:

One can argue for days over what represents major or minor releases. But what is clear is that neither of these numbers should advance unless there is additional functionality added. These should not advance for mere bug fixes.

Maintenance releases are clear: any collection of bug fixes = an increment in the maintenance version digit.

IMHO build should always = 0 for "official" releases. Build numbers other than zero are to denote alpha and beta releases.

The effect of multiple repositories on versioning

If all versions came from the same repo this challenge would not exist. Unless and until that utopian vision happens, it would be very nice from a user perspective to know whose repository the build was coming from. The reason this is critically important from a user perspective is because otherwise how is anyone able to keep track of what they are running and compare notes with others? Every developer does tend to increment version numbers on their own. But when you have 3 or 4 folks doing this it can get very confusing for the users, and not much less confusing for other developers.

To that end Mark's comments are very compelling. Not from any philosophical, moral or ethical standpoint, but rather, and much more importantly, so that we can all simply keep track of what we are downloading and running more easily.

Unless and until all builds come from the same repo, IMHO, and FWIW, versioning should work as follows:

1. Never add a date to the build on the title bar. Always increment the build digit.
2. Always add the repository name to the title bar.

However, all this brouhaha may blow over in the short term. With Richie becoming active again, even at the relaxed pace your are promising us, Richie :) , I suspect your level of productivity will quickly act to absorb all other developments and for all intents and purposes nearly 100% of us will be running your builds exclusively.

Nevertheless, during the lulls in development which happen periodically, when a few hobbyists are adding things they like somewhat randomly, perhaps the discussion of versioning schemes might be revisited.
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Re: Thetis x86 (4/23/22) MW0LGE pre-release (meters testing)

Postby Joe » Fri Jan 06, 2023 8:30 pm

I do have a version on GitHub, I want to apologize to you personally. I left your name on the version I worked with on GitHub because I felt if your name was removed it would be incorrect with all of the work you put into it and believe me, working with Thetis coding is a major task. I have been looking forward to the day when you returned and appreciate your return with more additions/corrections to Thetis. I was hoping some of the thoughts I had would be of some use although I knew you could verify/cleanup the coding in a professional manner. I never meant for this to be a problem for anyone. I will go into GitHub setup and change everything to private so it will not be seen and I can work back and forth on my own or just remove it. I definitely agree as mentioned, this needs to be more organized as Scott has been saying all along. Again, I’m sorry if this caused issues for anyone.


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Re: Thetis x86 (4/23/22) MW0LGE pre-release (meters testing)

Postby w-u-2-o » Fri Jan 06, 2023 8:40 pm

I can't speak for Richie, but I'm always ecstatic when anyone adds to the codebase. It would be a shame if this issue had any sort of chilling effect on potential contributions by anyone :(
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Re: Thetis x86 (4/23/22) MW0LGE pre-release (meters testing)

Postby ramdor » Fri Jan 06, 2023 8:44 pm

w-u-2-o wrote:I can't speak for Richie, but I'm always ecstatic when anyone adds to the codebase. It would be a shame if this issue had any sort of chilling effect on potential contributions by anyone :(

yes, I have just sent Joe a PM, in exactly the same vein
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Re: Thetis x86 (4/23/22) MW0LGE pre-release (meters testing)

Postby qst » Sat Jan 21, 2023 11:25 am

Hi All,
after 3 years I'm coming back to Anan. In a few days I will have 7000 DLE MKII bought in the UK. Thetis has changed a lot. I like what Rich did. Is version available and where can I download it? Does the new Anan 7000 need to change the protocol to install Thetis
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Re: Thetis x86 (4/23/22) MW0LGE pre-release (meters testing)

Postby W3MMR » Sun Jan 22, 2023 11:48 am

Maybe im blind this morning, but I cant find the link to download x86. Anyone point me in the right direction?


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Re: Thetis x86 (4/23/22) MW0LGE pre-release (meters testing)

Postby w-u-2-o » Sun Jan 22, 2023 12:47 pm

There is no formal version of yet. This topic is just about a couple of folks who decided to compile Richie's work-in-progress GitHub repository, warts and all.

If you go back to page 1 of this topic you can find a link that Sigi posted to his work.

Or you can grab the unfinished business off of Richie's repo and compile it yourself.
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Re: Thetis x86 (4/23/22) MW0LGE pre-release (meters testing)

Postby W3MMR » Fri Feb 10, 2023 5:30 pm

I found it. Thanks Scott. Now isn't there a way to have both versions on my PC at one time? I remember doing it in the past, I think :roll: . Or do I have to do the rename file method?

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Re: Thetis x86 (4/23/22) MW0LGE pre-release (meters testing)

Postby w-u-2-o » Fri Feb 10, 2023 7:05 pm

W3MMR wrote:I found it. Thanks Scott. Now isn't there a way to have both versions on my PC at one time? I remember doing it in the past, I think :roll: . Or do I have to do the rename file method?


You can have as many versions as you like. AFIAK, they should reside in separate folders, and you should use the datapath command line option to also create separate settings folders. See viewtopic.php?f=9&t=4047
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Re: Thetis x86 (4/23/22) MW0LGE pre-release (meters testing)

Postby W3MMR » Fri Feb 17, 2023 1:31 am

Great so far here. No hiccups. No issues. Only a couple of questions. Whats the "meter test" button used for? I havent seen it do anything when I press it. Also, whats the small dot int he upper right of the meter window (next to the "x" & when you press it, it turns into an arrow, then another arrow pointed into another direction, etc) supposed to do?

It would be nice to have the cross needle meter up all the time and be able to adjust the signal history color and time, but either way, im happy.



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Re: Thetis x86 (4/23/22) MW0LGE pre-release (meters testing)

Postby Joe » Fri Feb 17, 2023 3:35 pm

I hope Richie doesn’t mind me posting this, I have been anxiously downloading his “wip” source code which believe me is very hard to keep up with as it is mostly Daily. It is Very Very many lines of coding, probably hundreds of lines. To say the least, I am amazed at his work, Awsome! I believe everyone will be very pleased. If I am speaking out of turn, I apologize, but as you can tell I am very excited with these updates, additions, and changes. I know there are other contributors and very thankful to them as well! Thanks!

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Re: Thetis x86 (4/23/22) MW0LGE pre-release (meters testing)

Postby ramdor » Mon Feb 20, 2023 9:06 am

Some more progress. I have been busy + rather ill recently so not much spare time.
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Re: Thetis x86 (4/23/22) MW0LGE pre-release (meters testing)

Postby Tony EI7BMB » Mon Feb 20, 2023 9:23 am

Sorry to hear you were not well . Once again thanks for the great work.
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Re: Thetis x86 (4/23/22) MW0LGE pre-release (meters testing)

Postby ea3aqr » Mon Feb 20, 2023 9:29 am

Fantastic work, thanks again Richie!
New call sign EA3CL

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