Routing audio output to a virtual audio cable?

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Routing audio output to a virtual audio cable?

Postby FrankO » Tue May 12, 2020 7:02 pm

I'm just beginning to get my feet wet with a new-to-me ANAN 100D that I'm using with PowerSDR mRX PRS v3.4.9 under Windows 10.

I've gotten as far as hearing audio via headphones plugged into the front panel. Now I'd like to route audio output to a virtual audio cable so that I can send it to decoder software such as FLdigi.

I see in PowerSDR mRX there's a menu Setup > Audio that has tabs marked VAC 1 and VAC 2, but this consists of fairly detailed settings. Is there a basic setting somewhere that I can use to select what audio device defined within the Windows sound system I want to send the output to? Thanks in advance.
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Re: Routing audio output to a virtual audio cable?

Postby FrankO » Tue May 12, 2020 8:59 pm

Actually I was able to get this to work -- under Settings > Audio > VAC 1, checked Enable VAC 1, and selected my previously defined Virtual Audio Cable Line 1 for input and output.

If anyone has suggestions on settings tweaks to get a cleaner transfer, I'd be interested to hear. One friend suggested selecting a driver other than MME, but this causes fldigi not to recognize the device for audio input.
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Re: Routing audio output to a virtual audio cable?

Postby w-u-2-o » Tue May 12, 2020 10:01 pm


Look in the Digital ("Virtual") Audio sub-forum right here on this forum site:

Start at the top with the tacked topic. There's lots of good reading after that, too. If you've got more questions, please start a new topic in that sub-forum.


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Re: Routing audio output to a virtual audio cable?

Postby FrankO » Tue May 12, 2020 10:05 pm

Thank you!

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