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Eterlogic VSPE autorun

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2018 2:30 pm
by Tony EI7BMB
Hi, has anyone got VSPE to auto load the config file on startup ? I've tried the command line from the help section but when I click on the shortcut it says " Can not load configuration". Shortcut target is "C:\Program Files (x86)\\Virtual Serial Ports Emulator\VSPEmulator.exe" C:/config.vspe

Thanks and 73

Re: Eterlogic VSPE autorun

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2018 3:50 pm
by W2PA

Here's how I do it - there may be other ways...

1) In VSPE, File-SaveAs ... name the file SDR.vspe, and save it on my desktop

2) Click the Windows icon, type R, and choose Run.

3) When the Run window opens, type shell:startup and hit enter or click OK

4) A Windows explorer window opens up pointing to the Startup folder. Right-click and drag your SDR.vspe file into that folder and choose "Create shortcut here"

5) Relax in the knowledge that next time you boot Windows 10, VSPE will start automagically.

Note: If you change your VSPE settings you'll need to save the new settings to this same file in order for the startup to be up-to-date.

Re: Eterlogic VSPE autorun

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2018 4:47 pm
by Tony EI7BMB
Thanks Chris, I've tried that but it will not run on startup . Voicemeeter banana starts ok and that's in the same startup folder . VSPE is installed in program files (x86) so i wonder should I re install in just program files ?

Re: Eterlogic VSPE autorun

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2018 6:06 pm
by W2PA

Just to be completely clear...
You put a shortcut to the file you saved from VSPE into the startup folder - *not* a shortcut to VSPE itself, correct? If that's not what you did, then try doing that and see if it works.

If that *is* what you did and it's still not working, right click on the file you created and open "Properties" of the file and confirm that on the General tab under "Opens with" it lists Virtual Serial Port Emulator. If not, then click the "Change" button and point it to the executable for VSPE.

Re: Eterlogic VSPE autorun

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2018 6:46 pm
by Tony EI7BMB
Thanks again Chris . Yes the shortcut in startup folder points to SDR file on the desktop which is set to open using VSPE. If I double click on the shortcut in start up folder it opens the program no problem.

Re: Eterlogic VSPE autorun

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2018 6:57 pm
by w-u-2-o
I have a .bat file called "VSPEStart.bat" in my startup folder:

C:\Users\<your username goes here>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

The contents of the .bat file are as follows:

Code: Select all

timeout 5
cd C:\Program Files (x86)\\Virtual Serial Ports Emulator
start VSPEmulator.exe -minimize -hide_splash VSPEFlexConfig.vspe

The timeout command ensures that my Moxa Nport serial drivers load first, you may or may not need it.

I keep the configuration file "VSPEFlexConfig.vspe" in the same folder as the VSPE executable.

Re: Eterlogic VSPE autorun

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2018 3:40 pm
by Tony EI7BMB
Thanks Scott , .bat file works beautifully . Great tip as I may use this for other programs. Chris thanks again for your help