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Re: Anan 10-E remote operation.

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2017 5:27 pm
by w-u-2-o
First of all, that's great news overall! Congrat's on getting it all up and running, even with the audio glitches.

I normally operate remotely on some pretty poor internet connections (the typical free hotel type stuff). With the PSDR window made as small as possible, the panadapter set to 15Hz update rate, and the waterfall at a matching update rate (64mS) I see less than 2Mbit/s down and only about 200Kbit/s up, relative to the remote PC. You can track this using ResMon. Note that this is essentially identical to the Flex Maestro, for anyone that might be wondering.

You may want to confirm your available up/downlink speeds at the remote PC. You might also try using WDM-KS drivers instead of MME.



Re: Anan 10-E remote operation.

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2017 11:24 pm
by cleanrf
Thanks I will give this a try.

Re: Anan 10-E remote operation.

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2017 4:06 am
by cleanrf
Changing the driver type in psdr vac1 to WDM-KS gets rid of the choppy receive audio. I tried a few different settings and could not get transmit audio to work remotely using WDM-KS. I am also very limited to input and output choices in VAC 1. I only have Voicemeeter aux vaio, VB-audio point and Voicemeeter vaio in both input and out. I tried it a few ways and do not get mic audio while remote. Any suggestions?


Re: Anan 10-E remote operation.

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2017 11:37 am
by w-u-2-o
Try using ASIO between PSDR and VMB.

Re: Anan 10-E remote operation.

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2017 9:22 pm
by cleanrf
Looks like I got the mic working remotely but I am having issues with the speaker playback using ASIO driver. In VM banana hardware inputs I do not show any thing with a ASIO driver I do however show AISO driver options in the hardware out pull down. In psdr VAC 1 of the radio it seems the only way to get speakers to work or even headphone receive audio is when using MME in psdr VAC 1. I may be wrong and I will double check this evening when I get home.

Re: Anan 10-E remote operation.

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2017 10:01 pm
by cleanrf
cleanrf wrote:Looks like I got the mic working remotely but I am having issues with the speaker playback using ASIO driver. In VM banana hardware inputs I do not show any thing with a ASIO driver I do however show AISO driver options in the hardware out pull down. In psdr VAC 1 of the radio it seems the only way to get speakers to work or even headphone receive audio is when using MME in psdr VAC 1. I may be wrong and I will double check this evening when I get home.

In other words there is no way to have MME for speakers/ headphones and for output and VB-Audio as and input when using ASIO in psdr VAC tab, speakers/ headphones is not available. Any sugestions? You should send me a paypal address so I can pay you for your help :-)


I can get VAC working on the server machine using headset. My setting in psdr vac 1 are Driver: ASIO, Input : Voicemeeter Virtual ASIO, output: Voicemeeter Virtual ASIO.
VMB setting are hardware input 1; MME: Headset microphone (Microsoft lifechat lx-3000).
VMB hardware out A1: MME: Headset earphone (Microsoft lifechat lx-3000)

I power down the psdr, open remote desktop, set both VMB input and out to remote audio, power on PSDR and get pop ups from psdr.

Re: Anan 10-E remote operation.

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 1:34 pm
by w-u-2-o
You have to connect the Remote Audio devices to VMB, and you have to connect PSDR to VMB, then make the connections between them in VMB. We've been over this point twice in this thread already. Now this is a third time. See my post in this thread with date/time Mon Aug 07, 2017 9:27 am.

Thus using ASIO is not an impediment, as you have to point both the PSDR VAC input and output at VMB.



Re: Anan 10-E remote operation.

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 5:28 am
by cleanrf
Update. I finally got everything working. It seems one of the issues I was having was with a sample rate setting. I had to change a sample rate setting in psdr to 44100 hz. It seems no matter what I did I kept getting a pop up warning of wrong sample rate. The hardware out of VM banana is 44100 hz and I could not change it and still have VAC audio. That is with psdr using asio drivers and pointing to VM banana virtual asio in and output. The problem I am having now is when using the 3000 headset on the server machine with VAC settings that work with that setup I get great audio reports. If I change to the settins listed above to work RDP I get audio reports of choppy and an echo sound referring to my transmit audio. The receive audio sounds normal even when I am on a crappy cell phone connection using RDP. Any suggestion on what may be causing the choppy echo sound?


Re: Anan 10-E remote operation.

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 11:42 am
by w-u-2-o
I would bet that the reason you have choppy audio is because you are not running 48KHz on everything you can.

On my implementation, I am forced to use 44.1KHz on the remote headset and the RDP Remote Audio devices, and the hardware in and out assignments for the Remote Audio devices in VMB. There is something about RDP Remote Audio devices that forces this. I've tried to change it to 48KHz but have been unsuccessful so far. However it hasn't seemed to matter.

More importantly, between VMB and PowerSDR I use ASIO at 48KHz (or sometimes 96KHz). This does seem to matter.

To get VMB to run at the desired sample rate on the VAIO and Aux interface channel strips, you must go to the Windows Start Menu, scroll down to the VB Audio folder, open the IO and Aux IO control panels, and select the desired sampling rate, which again should be 48KHz. You will get a message that you have to restart the PC. Before you do, go into the Windows Sound Control Panel, find each instance of a VMB related device, both playback and recording, open its advanced properties, and explicitly set it to 48KHz. Then restart your PC.

After the PC restarts you should be able to connect between VMB and PowerSDR at 48KHz with no difficulty. Again, I'm betting that this is the problem and should cure the choppiness.



Re: Anan 10-E remote operation.

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 2:37 pm
by cleanrf
I will double check when I get home. You scenario with 44100 hz sample rate sounds exactly like the issue I am having.

These are screenshots of the current server side and remote side VM settings and the VAC1 settings in PSDR.

I will look through the windows sound settings again and also through virtual IO cable cable control panel settings when I get back home this evening but I believe I have all of the settings at 48000 hz. You will notice in VM banana the hardware out is 44100 hz. I cannot figure out how to change that. The choices on the server side of VM banana are from me trying different options until I got something to work remotely.

Re: Anan 10-E remote operation.

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 4:06 pm
by cleanrf
Server side settings

Re: Anan 10-E remote operation.

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 4:11 pm
by cleanrf
There may be a better place for this question.
When using VAC in PSDR do you have a suggestion on how to monitor transmit audio using the MON botton or how to get the REC button to save a file? This is not an issue when not using VAC but there is either a horrible echo while monitoring or I cannot hear anything on playback whether played while transmitting or listening to the saved file. I know there is a latency and it is tough to listen to but would like a way to listen to my audio so I can make adjustments etc. I am used to using a rack gear and boom mic and would like to experiment with other options.


Re: Anan 10-E remote operation.

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 11:46 am
by w-u-2-o
Wow, that set up is a train-wreck! I don't even know how it is working at all!

Why do you have VMB on both the remote and server (radio) machines? You only need it on the server (radio) side.

Why do you have all of those extra sends turned on on channels you are not even using?

And, of course, you need to set PowerSDR to run at 48KHz.

On the remote machine, just go into the Windows Sound Control panel and select the mic and speakers you want to use as the default interfaces. RDP will pick them up by, well, default! ;)

On the server (radio) machine, set up as follows:

Remote Audio = Hardware Input 1, click ONLY the B1 button on that channel strip.
Remote Audio = Hardware Output 1
Attach PSDR to Voicemeeter VAIO for both RX and TX (you've already got this)
Click ONLY the A1 button on the Voicemeeter VAIO channel strip.
ALL other send buttons OFF.

That's all it takes. MUCH simpler. Get that working first, then we can, optionally, add on local sound interface support on the server machine after everything is proven and stable for remote op's.



Re: Anan 10-E remote operation.

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 3:34 pm
by cleanrf
I do not have VM on the remote machine. The screen shots are of VM on the server machine before I set it to remote audio and then after I set it to remote audio. The reason I changed the sample rate in psdr was because it was the only thing I could do to not get the pop up warning of wrong sample rate while trying to power on psdr while on remote computer. I will make some of these changes later you have suggested. I tested it this was last night. It seems to be working.

Re: Anan 10-E remote operation.

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 4:01 pm
by w-u-2-o
Ah, OK, I was confused because the photos were marked "remote" and "server".

Once you get the remote configuration simplified, verified stable and validated, I can show you how to set it up to actually run remote and local simultaneously!



Re: Anan 10-E remote operation.

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 10:05 pm
by cleanrf
Will do, thanks. Do you have a suggestion of how to use the MON button or REC so I can tinker with my audio settings? I know there will be latency but I cannot make it work without either an echo and squeal while using MON and I cannot get it to record. This is only when VAC is enabled in psdr.


Re: Anan 10-E remote operation.

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2017 1:41 am
by w-u-2-o
For audio adjustments, see this thread here, and in particular take a look at Rob's (W1AEX) Youtube videos. In one of his videos he provides a good example of how to use a recording to work on your audio settings. If that's not sufficient, definitely post in that thread and I'm sure Rob will jump right in to help.



Re: Anan 10-E remote operation.

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2017 2:38 pm
by cleanrf
All attempts to change sample rate in psdr to 48000 hz results in either a pop up (portaudio error: -9997 Invalid sample rate) (portaudio error: 9988 invalid steam pointer) or I can choose a different hardware out in VM and not be able to hear any playback audio through headphone or speakers but do not have the pop ups. You can see the 44100 hz sample rate in the one of the screen shots above. Changing the sample rate in psdr audio/vac tab to 44100 hz allows me to hear playback audio and no port errors. I have verified that all items are set to 48000 hz in the control panel sound tab of windows on both machines. I am using virtual IO control panel and IO aux. I have tried plugging the life chat headphones into the server machine first and making that the default audio device then plugging them into the remote side etc, tried it both ways etc. I have used it remotely using my cell phone as a hot spot as well remotely within my LAN. It seems work fairly well but I get audio reports from trusted people that say it is a little choppy sometimes, or metallic sounding, breaking up etc. Its not very bad but I still feel there is something not 100% I could understand the choppy etc while on cell phone connection as I have a crappy cell signal but its this way as well on my LAN.

Re: Anan 10-E remote operation.

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2017 4:16 pm
by w-u-2-o
Well, you've got me at my wit's end on this part of the problem.

The only other thing I can suggest is to perhaps try starting with a fresh database. It's possible that with all of the various audio settings gyrations something has become corrupt in there.



Re: Anan 10-E remote operation.

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2017 2:33 pm
by cleanrf
I will give that a try this evening. I was actually able to test it last night while out of town at a ham fest. Hotel internet was so so, 15-18 mb down, 2-5 up with 30ms ping. There is a few second delay or more between when I see the radio key up and when I see my audio register. I am still getting audio reports of choppy, latency issues etc. not always but about half the time. I will try to reinstall everything and check resource monitor on server machine.

I'll let you know

Re: Anan 10-E remote operation.

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 3:09 pm
by cleanrf
Hello all.
I wanted to update where I am at here.
I tried to uninstall and reinstall everything in an attempt to solve the 44100 hz issue when choosing MME: hardware out in voicemeeter banana. Still had the same issue. I am not sure if it is due to my on board sound card on HP computer or not. I changed ever setting to 48000 on the server and client machine, changed all the settings in all VB audio products and this still happens. I tried changing all settings to 44100 to see if this would work better. The receive sound is great when doing remote whether in my LAN or outside using my cell phone as a hotspot etc but TX audio has issues, its choppy over the cell phone hotspot but not on the LAN which makes sense. The other issue is while operating remotely inside LAN or outside I am told my TX audio is extremely high pitched and "tinny" I confirmed this by listening to websdr recordings of myself. When I use the lifechat headset plugged directly into the server side machine with the audio settings the same as when used remotely I get great audio reports. Not sure whats causing this. Any suggestions?


Re: Anan 10-E remote operation.

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 2:03 am
by w-u-2-o
Do you have a different remote machine you can try?

Re: Anan 10-E remote operation.

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 3:54 am
by cleanrf
w-u-2-o wrote:Do you have a different remote machine you can try?

Unfortunately no.

Re: Anan 10-E remote operation.

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2017 3:51 am
by cleanrf
I still cannot figure out what causes the hardware out on VM banana to change to 44100 hz when in RDP, I have just opted to change the sample rate to 44100 hz in the VAC 1 tab when operating remote with no issues that I can see. I have a trusted source and used it this way for a few hours a night for 4 nights this week and other than an occasional "blip" in the internet connection he cannot tell that I am remotely operating. I do however wonder why I can "see" a station transmitting on my pan adapter before I can hear it. I understand there is some latency involved here but why does it not affect the visual throughput the same? Just curious.

Re: Anan 10-E remote operation.

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2017 10:39 am
by w-u-2-o
Glad to read that you've got it working the way you want, finally! :)

I've noticed the disparity in audio vs. video latency as well. I can only guess that RDP uses a much larger buffer for audio than it does for video.



Re: Anan 10-E remote operation.

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2017 5:00 am
by cleanrf
Thank you for all your help Scott!!

Re: Anan 10-E remote operation.

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2017 9:44 pm
by cleanrf
Just wanted to post an update. I have been controlling my station and using openhpsdr remotely for a few months now. Its works rather well. The only issue I have is with my record (transmit) audio being choppy and breaking up sometimes. I can see this happen as it happens on the screen of psdr. I have lowered my sample rate to 44100 with no change. Was thinking it might have been a conflict with the earlier issue of not being able to change 1 item to match 48000 sample rate used elsewhere in my audio chain. I would like to go lower than this but I seem to remember voicemeter banana will not allow any lower sample rates. I would think we should be able to get by with a sample rate that is double of the audio bandwidth we want to pass. I listen to an AM operator that uses RemAud to pass his audio from his vehicle through a cell phone connection to his flex station and he sounds phenomenal. Seems I read something somewhere Scott where you may have had bad luck with RemAud. I believe he only uses RDP when he needs to make a frequency change or an adjustment then logs off RDP to free up bandwidth. He talks about how his doing it on the amfone forum QSO section back in July of this year. His call is wa1qix (Steveqix) I am trying to find a way to pass the TX audio with less issues. The receive audio in my setup is flawless and I would think there is a solution to the TX audio. Any suggestions from anyone of a different way to pass the TX audio is greatly appreciated. I will try to get pics up once I get everything in its final resting place.

Re: Anan 10-E remote operation.

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2017 10:43 pm
by w-u-2-o
Yes, I've only had bad experiences with RemAud.

Also, I do not seem to have the same problems you do with the transmit audio path. Mine always works 100%.

If you want to try something completely different, RCForb from is supposed to work exceedingly well. You could combine that with RDP just to peek at the panafall display. I haven't tried it myself, but I've been tempted. If I didn't already have everything working I sure would try it.



Re: Anan 10-E remote operation.

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2017 11:48 pm
by cleanrf
I have been thinking of giving this a try. My current scenario is perfect 95% of the time.

Re: Anan 10-E remote operation.

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 5:19 pm
by A65BK
Hi Scott,

Is there a detailed description available to do Hpsdr remote operation using team viewer ?
I installed it and started trying. I get audio in my ipad, when I play a youtube audio. But not get SDR audio in ipad. I have VMB in my PC.
Can anyone who has tried it to help me further ?


Prem, A65BK