Bootloader sees 200D but Thetis does not. Direct connected

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Bootloader sees 200D but Thetis does not. Direct connected

Postby cleanrf » Sat Feb 25, 2023 2:35 am

I have a 200D running protocol 2 that I keep getting the "are you sure the sdr is powered error" The bootloader sees the Anan. I am direct connected with a 3' ethernet cable. I bought the 200D from a friend who had it set up for Static IP. I changed it back to DHCP using in bootloader. I did a complete uninstall including all database files etc. The install was the normal new install where the commend window is open a for a few minutes before Thetis opens. I have 2 other Anans, 10E and 100B on protocol 1, I have no issues seeing these radios. I am using c to ethernet adapter on my laptop because the machine does not have an ethernet port. This has worked fine for a year using my other Anans. Any suggestions?

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Re: Bootloader sees 200D but Thetis does not. Direct connected

Postby DL8LAQ » Tue Feb 28, 2023 9:25 am

A direct ethernet connection does not work with DHCP!
73, Norbert - DL8LAQ - ANAN-G2 w/display - Richie's latest Thetis version and pihpsdr by N1GP&DL1YCF
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Re: Bootloader sees 200D but Thetis does not. Direct connected

Postby w-u-2-o » Tue Feb 28, 2023 1:07 pm

DL8LAQ wrote:A direct ethernet connection does not work with DHCP!

No, but it will work with APIPA, and when you put the firmware into DHCP mode if it does not get a DHCP address after some (unknown to me) period of time, it will revert to APIPA.

However, it is important to match things up on the PC side. If the PC NIC that is being used for the ANAN is set to static addressing then the ANAN must be set to a compatible static IP on the same subnet as the PC NIC. If the ANAN is set to DHCP such that it will revert to APIPA, then the PC NIC needs to also be set that way.

@cleanrf -- go back and set your NIC and ANAN to either both use static IPs or both use DHCP, then report back your findings. If it still doesn't work post screen shots of your NIC settings. And don't forget the NIC used for the ANAN should have a lower network metric value than any other NIC on the PC including Wi-Fi.

Note that while using Bootloader to "see the ANAN" is a good indicator that things are going in the right direction, remember that Bootloader does not use TCP/IP or care about IP addresses, it uses raw Ethernet frames. Thus it is possible for Bootloader to work perfectly correctly and still have problems because your networking is not set correctly.

Finally, if you've got things working with P1 firmware but not P2 firmware then you should strongly suspect something wrong in the GigE support department. Assuming your are confident your hardware supports GigE, check your network control panels on Windows and make sure you are getting a GigE link. Check the link lights on the NIC (you may need to look up what they mean for your NIC). And it's possible to have a bad Ethernet cable that will support 100Mbit/s links for P1 or Bootloader but not support GigE and P2 because GigE requires all four pairs in the cable to be correct and functional while 100Mbit/s only needs two pairs.

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