HPSDRProgrammer V2.0 puzzle (200D)

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HPSDRProgrammer V2.0 puzzle (200D)

Postby N7CXI » Mon Aug 06, 2018 7:44 pm

My 200D Protocol 1 firmware is old, (4.3) so I checked and saw that both 5.0 and 5.2 were on GitHub.

This Windows 10 PC is relatively new and didn't have WinPCAP installed, so I did that part then installed and ran HDPSDRProgrammer V2.0 .

Discovery is pretty much instant - the 200D consistently gets an address from my router, and the correct address showed up in the Discovery field. (MikroTik core router, radio is one L2 switch hop away)

I clicked the Browse button to point to the new .rbf file, and get the following:
programmer_error.PNG (24.97 KiB) Viewed 13178 times

The error message isn't correct, obviously. What I don't know is what it actually means. :-)
Has anyone seen this before?

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Re: HPSDRProgrammer V2.0 puzzle (200D)

Postby w-u-2-o » Tue Aug 07, 2018 12:54 am

This is not a 200D specific issue.

Did you look at the "sticky" threads here:



If not, that's where you answer is, specifically in the Guide to using HPSDR Programmer (which doesn't need WinPCAP if you use the latest version of HPSDR Programmer, which you should).

Moving this thread to the upgrading/downgrading firmware topic.
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Re: HPSDRProgrammer V2.0 puzzle (200D)

Postby N7CXI » Tue Aug 07, 2018 2:51 am

Aha. Ok, thanks. I missed the part about the metis filename bug. Reminds me of a quote from a Doug Adams book. :-)

As it turned out, the upgrade from 4.3 to 5.2 failed, but I was able to use the same instructions to run HPSDRBootloader using a cable between the 'puter and the radio. That was successful, and not even terribly annoying, since the 200D has a bootloader switch.


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