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Re: Coherent IQ Streams for Adaptive EME

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 4:10 pm
by w-u-2-o
Conrad_PA5Y wrote:Just to be clear what must I do to bypass the pre-selector for RX1?
Follow the hot-link in item 4 in my post above, then see item 5.



Re: Coherent IQ Streams for Adaptive EME

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 8:49 pm
by Conrad_PA5Y
Sorry when I was speed reading in a coffee break I did not notice that it was hyperlink. Will do so and also report back Wednesday evening all being well.


Conrad PA5Y

Re: Coherent IQ Streams for Adaptive EME

Posted: Sat May 12, 2018 9:08 pm
by W4WMT
Hi Conrad,

Does your 40 degree error seem to be constant for all signals on the band, or does it seem to depend on the polar angle of the incoming signal? The reason I ask is that there is a chance that the I & Q channels for RX2 are reversed in the code, which would be giving us the complement of the true phase angle. What do you think?

73, Bryan W4WMT

Re: Coherent IQ Streams for Adaptive EME

Posted: Sun May 13, 2018 1:26 pm
by Conrad_PA5Y
Hello Brian.

Things are little hectic right now. I am involved with renovating a property on the same site as the current house, I should have moved this weekend but there are delays, also 6m has woken up!

I will try this week probably not until Friday, Monday busy, Tuesday Contest, Wednesday picking up new furniture for the new shack, Thursday contest - quite a week!

Project is not dead at all just on hold.

Best Regards

Conrad PA5Y

Re: Coherent IQ Streams for Adaptive EME

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2019 5:42 am
by R3YA
Conrad_PA5Y wrote:Then we get to the real sticky wicket, how to TX on the correct frequency and return to 144.125 on RX. We have CAT tools that are tied to MAP65 but I am not sure about this yet. We will need Split, will we maintain coherent operation?

Hello friends!

I repeated all the actions of Conrad, now my system receives two channels (tranceiver is home made from EU1SW theme).
But the question arose about signal transmission.
How to teach to transmit a transceiver at a receiving frequency? I am using split now. But I have to tune in manually. Maybe there is a CAT from MAP65?

Al, R3YA team of RA3EME.

Re: Coherent IQ Streams for Adaptive EME

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 11:13 pm
by W9IP
Thanks to the help of Conrad, Scott, and Bryan, I have been able to route two I/Q streams from OpenHPSDR mRX PS (3.4.9) to Map65. I’m not yet sure whether the streams are coherent, but there are two of them and that’s a start.
I mostly followed the setup described above. I had to add ASIO4ALL and of course go through VoiceMeeter Banana. ASIO4ALL is basically transparent and VoiceMeeter Banana just mystifies me.
Assuming that the two IQ streams are coherent, the only think lacking is actual audio output that I can listen to. I wonder whether anyone has a suggestion how to route audio from OpenHPSDR to speakers while it is also sending I/Q to Map65. My setup for VAC1 is below. I understand that VAC2 is not available for RX1.
HPSDR dual IQ setup.jpg
HPSDR dual IQ setup.jpg (53.6 KiB) Viewed 7242 times

Thanks for any suggestions-
Michael, W9IP

Re: Coherent IQ Streams for Adaptive EME

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 1:27 am
by w-u-2-o
W9IP wrote: wonder whether anyone has a suggestion how to route audio from OpenHPSDR to speakers while it is also sending I/Q to Map65.
AFAIK you cannot listen to IQ output via VAC. You will have to use the speaker or headphone output from the ANAN hardware to listen.

Re: Coherent IQ Streams for Adaptive EME

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 9:40 am
by W9IP
Thanks, Scott.
So, the Direct I/Q, Output to VAC box in OpenHPSDR means "instead of audio", not "in addition to audio."

Re: Coherent IQ Streams for Adaptive EME

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 9:56 am
by W9IP
I forgot to add... My SDR is mounted 250 meters away. I suppose I need to do some sort of audio-over-ip in order to use the headphone jack.

Re: Coherent IQ Streams for Adaptive EME

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 11:15 am
by w-u-2-o
You could do something like this:

Or, if you don't need RX2, you can assign RX2 to the same ADC as RX1 and use it independently to listen. Its output is on VAC2. Assign that to the third virtual channel on Voicemeeter Potato and route it to your speakers in Voicemeeter.

Or Bryan could write some more code ;) Voicemeeter can accept up to an 8 channel connection on a single interface, two of those could be plain audio.

Re: Coherent IQ Streams for Adaptive EME

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 1:41 pm
by W9IP
Isn't RX2 the second source of RF for my XPOL? Maybe I don't fully understand what a "receiver" is in OpenHPSDR. I thought that it was everything from the 2nd RX SMA connector all the way to the speaker or VAC.

Re: Coherent IQ Streams for Adaptive EME

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 2:25 pm
by w-u-2-o
Sorry, I didn't realize you were running the cross polarization setup. Yes, that uses up the other receiver.

An RTSP/RTP streamer setup is looking more and more like your solution. You don't have to use a Pi, you can repurpose any old PC you have to do that, Linux or Windows, there are open source solutions for all platforms. You could receive and listen to the stream using something like VLC.

As for what comprises a "receiver", the lines get a little blurry. See:

Re: Coherent IQ Streams for Adaptive EME

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 5:41 pm
by W4WMT
W9IP wrote:.....I had to add ASIO4ALL and of course go through VoiceMeeter Banana. ASIO4ALL is basically transparent and VoiceMeeter Banana just mystifies me. .......
Michael, W9IP

I understand why VoiceMeeter is needed, i.e. to patch PowerSDR & MAP65 together. But why ASIO4ALL?


Re: Coherent IQ Streams for Adaptive EME

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 6:33 pm
by W9IP
Hi, Brian - I'm not sure either. I tried every permutation with just VMB I could think of without resorting to ASIO and had no success. Added ASIO and it worked pretty quickly. Now that I know that it can work, I'll try to go back and try again. No need for extra software.