Things to check post Windows Update...

USB headsets to digital audio workstation software...
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Things to check post Windows Update...

Postby K9RX » Fri Feb 14, 2020 11:40 pm

I've named this topic - now just need to know what to fill in for it.

I've had very good success with Eugene's VAC and FT8/MSK144 for a long time now - I've never had an issue where a Windows update seemed to bother anything. But I had an update 2 days ago (i believe it was) and now I have audio click and pop issues. I look at the AUDIO tab and the OOPS is updating routinely ... pop...... click, click .... pop ... every 1 - 10 seconds or so. The counter went from 0 to 24 in under a minute. Previous to this last update I was having very few of these.

where might someone go to to check - something Windows might have changed (in their infinite wisdom) that could impact this? please.

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Re: Things to check post Windows Update...

Postby w-u-2-o » Fri Feb 14, 2020 11:44 pm

Windows updates are famous for damaging audio drivers. More than once I've had to uninstall-reboot-reinstall-reboot-reconfigure Voicemeeter.

Check the sample rates of your devices in the Windows sound control panel. Consider reinstalling any audio devices or drivers.
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Re: Things to check post Windows Update...

Postby K9RX » Sat Feb 15, 2020 1:45 pm

Thanks Scott... well this is what happened post my note - it might be germane to someone seeing/using this thread.

-this morning, with everything powered up 24/7 as usual, I tried to work someone on 60 FT8 - no transmit signal. It went to TX but nothing showed on the TX pan. Tried this and that - reset the TX Profile (there's a bug in there that still persists re split mode) ... still nothing. In frustration because the spot was for someone I needed on 60M for a new one I restarted the program - nothing. Restarted WSJT-X, nothing, tried running JTDX - same thing. In the latter 2 cases I had the service panel for EUG M VAC program up and it clearly showed audio there on TX.
-rebooted the computer - now when I tried to run PSDR the initial panel with the bar would go about 30% and just disappear. Nothing.
-went in and renamed database to database-x and ran PSDR - completed this time. Imported the 2nd to last database. All has been fine since then...

-and now no more OOPS going on, no more than normal! In 5 minutes of operation zero OOPS - yesterday it would have been hundreds...


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